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- eKids Guardians of The Galaxy Bluetooth Earbuds with Microphone, Wireless Earbuds with Charging Case for Ear Buds, Designed for School, Home, or Trave
夏タイヤ、ホイールセット, タックルボックス, うるち米、玄米, パワーグリップ、グローブ
eKids Guardians of The Galaxy Bluetooth Earbuds with Microphone, Wireless Earbuds with Charging Case for Ear Buds, Designed for School, Home, or Trave
・Wireless Ear Buds: Connect any device including smartphones, tablets, and computers to wirelessly stream high quality stereo sound for entertainment and/or education. Connect these Bluetooth ear buds and listen to music, watch movies, TV, and YouTube, or use for remote learning, virtual classes, audiobooks, and more.
・Portable and Rechargeable: These wireless Bluetooth earbuds are ideal for school, home, or travel. Enjoy up to 18 hours of total music playtime. The included charging case adds 2x extra charge. USB-C charging cable included.
・True Wireless Earbuds with Microphone: Chat with friends and family with ease during a video call or Zoom meeting. Ideal wireless earbuds for iPhone and Android. Great for computer learning and school activities.
・Guardians of the Galaxy Design: Featuring a sleek blue design with cool graphics and a matching charging case, these Bluetooth earphones have an ergonomic shape that provides lasting comfort. Includes rubber ear cushions in 3 sizes: small, medium, and large.
・Perfect Gift: Wireless earbuds for Android and iPhone devices make a great gift for any occasion. Visit the ekids brand store for even more cool gifts for kids.
説明: Guardians of the Galaxy Bluetooth earbuds make it easy to stream audio wirelessly when you connect to any compatible device, including iPhone, Android, Samsung, and more. Listen to your favorite playlists, watch movies, TV, and YouTube, or use for remote learning, virtual classes, audiobooks, and more. The built- in rechargeable battery allows up to 18 hours of total music playtime. Plus, the included charging case adds 2x extra charge. USB-C charging cable included. Use these earphones with microphone for talking to friends and family on a video call or Zoom meeting, too. If you are shopping for computer accessories or iPhone accessories, these ear buds are great for any occasion Visit the ekids brand store to explore more gifts for Marvel fans.
カテゴリー: ヘッドフォン
メーカー: KIDdesigns
ブランド: eKids
高さ: 17.1 センチ
幅: 10.1 センチ
奥行: 3.7 センチ
重量: 0.1 Kg
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Kid-Friendly \u0027Marvel Universe: Guardians of the Galaxy
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